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Mindful Yoga: Joy & Appreciation with Therapeutic Yoga teacher,

Sally Ramsden

Sunday 1st March 11am - 1.30pm


Time: Sunday 1st March 11am - 1.30pm

Location: Yoga Place, Bethnal Green, London E2 9QH

Book your place online   

for more information please contact:

Like all positive emotions, cultivating whole hearted attitudes begins at home with ourselves, as we deepen our sense of positive self-regard through the body.


Through our practice we can develop sympathetic joy for all beings, a key aspect of human loving kindness.

In this workshop taking us towards Spring, we will practice a carefully crafted slow flow of yoga poses, including more dynamic and restorative postures designed to open the heart and the mind, supported by mindful awareness.


Together we’ll explore and build our capacity to celebrate with others through nurturing seeds of self-care and growth. We will strengthen our muscles of gratitude and of generosity as foundations for bringing more joy to our lives.


Being able to see goodness in ourselves and others is one of the greatest gifts we can offer the world. The more we can appreciate our own strengths the more we can respond to other people’s happiness with genuine delight. Which in turn creates more connection and wholeness all round, supporting everyone’s well being.

Our self-image and attitudes are shaped by the messages we give ourselves and receive from others and society. Through Mindful Yoga practices we can remould unhelpful perceptions and create more positive pathways breath by breath, posture by posture, moment by moment.

The Yoga For Life Project
Tel. 07714412852
The Yoga For Life Project (C.I.C) is a limited company registered in England & Wales, reg no: 12315142 registered office address: 39 Long Acre London WC2E9LG


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