Revival Teacher Training Programme
Revival is an accredited 200-hour yoga teacher training diploma delivered by The Yoga for Life Project in association with Black Minds Matter. It is the UK’s first yoga teacher training diploma to train Black, Asian and ethnic minority teachers with a commitment to serving Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities and reducing mental health inequalities. In July 2023, we graduated 12 young new teachers. We are currently sourcing funding to run future teacher training programmes. Please email us info@theyogaforlifeproject.co.uk if you are interested in becoming a yoga teacher and would like to join one of our Teacher Training Programmes or our Revival Teacher Training Programme.
Black Minds Matter is a youth leadership development programme facilitated by the Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network. WCEN is a charity established in 2001 to reduce inequalities in access, experience and outcomes in health and social welfare services, with a focus on black and minority ethnic communities who are disproportionally impacted by poor care and support.
The training will start on September 11th, 2021 and end in July 2022, spanning 12 weekends. We are exploring opportunities for paid part time yoga teaching in South West London schools and community spaces following the training period.
By the end of Revival, you will be a qualified and confident therapeutic yoga teacher, ready and able to contribute to your personal and community health and well-being.
Over the course of the diploma, you will be taught by some of the UK’s best yoga teachers, exploring the Afro-Asiatic origins of yoga and its applied relevance to racially sensitive social work and community outreach in the 21st century.
You will also have an experienced yoga teacher to mentor you throughout the course.
The course is funded so your fees will be paid for! Future Teacher Training Programmes dates TBA.
Should you apply?
Belong to a Black, Asian or minority ethnic background, where at least one of your parents is of an ethnic minority background,
Are aged 18 – 30
Have an interest in yoga,
Have experience as a yoga student or -
Have a thirst for learning, sharing, caring and exploring the mental and physical benefits of yoga and mindfulness,
Care about actively tackling inequalities, discrimination and racism,
Are prepared to be 100% committed.
Please email us at info@theyogaforlifeproject.co.uk, candace@wcen.org.uk or trudi@theyogaforlifeproject.co.uk with any questions.