Accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals

The Revival Yoga Teacher Training is the first bespoke fully-funded teacher training course specifically designed for BME yoga students.
The course has been carefully planned to help prepare students to become yoga teachers but also ready for the range of students they will encounter after they qualify. Students will have access to the very best faculty of senior teachers who are all experts in their field - ready to teach and guide them through the entire training. In addition they will each be assigned their own personal yoga mentor who they will meet with regularly. Their role is to nurture and support the student throughout their journey.
As the Revival Yoga Teacher Training is fully-funded all places on the course are highly valued and so students will need to firmly commit to diligently arrive in good time for each session, attend all training weekends as well as a final teaching exam and fulfill all the extra requirements of the training (please see below).
Course Syllabus Overview
-A personal review of each student and their yoga practice
-Back-to-basics refresher on posture knowledge and alignment
-In-depth exploration on Teaching Methodology & Teaching Practice
-In-depth exploration on Anatomy & Physiology
-Deep-dive into Yoga History including exploring the Afro-Asiatic origins of yoga
-Deep-dive into Yoga Philosophy
-Exploration of Pranayama (Breathwork), Meditation and Mindfulness
-Studying the Chakras & Koshas
-Specialist workshops on Identity Healing from Past Racial Trauma; Teaching Yoga to Teens and Young People; Adjusting Students Safely; Therapeutic Yoga & Adapting Classes Sensitively; Self-Investigation & Reflection;
-Learning about the Ethics of being a Yoga Teacher
-Learning the Business of Yoga
Extra Trainee Requirements
Attend all group sessions with your personal mentor
Attend live online or in-person yoga classes - attendance signed for by your teacher.
Keeping a journal/diary of your personal yoga practice
Observation of yoga classes - attendance signed for by the teacher
Plan and writing detailed yoga class plans
Completion all course assignments/homework and tasks required before and after each module
Need To Bring To Every Session:
A yoga mat
A yoga block/or a hardback book
A yoga belt/or a dressing gown/fabric belt
A4 notepad or loose paper + ringbinder folder and pen - you will be expected to take personal notes and observations during every session
Packed Lunch
Revival Teacher Training - Terms & Conditions
Yoga Practice Experience:
Students need to have been practising yoga consistently for 2 years before embarking on Revival Teacher Training course. We may ask students to attend a pre-assessment to ensure that they are at the level required to attend the course and may ask they also attend senior teachers classes.
The Revival Yoga Teacher Training Course is fully-funded and all students' places are paid for. A deposit is not required to secure a place.
Applications must be made and submitted before the deadline date. We reserve the right to refuse any application forms received after the application deadline has passed.
Course Acceptance:
All applications will be reviewed by the Revival Yoga steering committee and senior teacher/s and decided on applicant suitability and their understanding of commitment required and agreement to attend all training weekends. We reserve the right to withdraw any course offers made if a student does not send a formal acceptance by the specified date.
Included in the course:
Training and assessment by a qualified Yoga Alliance Professionals Senior Yoga Teacher (SYT)
Online course manual and resource list
Final teaching certificate accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals (if all the course criteria is met).
Not included in the course:
The cost of travel, accommodation and food
Teacher Insurance
Leaving the course early:
We will be unable to pass or accredit any student who has not attended all training course weekends, completed all assignments and homework and attended and taught at the final practical teaching exam.
Course Commitment & Minimum Attendance:
The minimum attendance rate required for the Revival Teacher Training Course is 100% - 24 training days + 1 teaching exam. We will allow for mitigating circumstances and permit the maximum of 2 training days to be missed over the whole duration of the course. We reserve the right to ask a student to leave the course if they are not meeting the minimum attendance requirement or not showing the appropriate commitment as agreed by them upon acceptance of their place on the course. Catching-up on any missed content from training weekends is the responsibility of the student. Any assistance offered by the module teacher is at their sole discretion and not a teaching faculty requirement.
We also reserve the right to not pass or accredit any student for the same reasons above. If The Yoga For Life Project feels any student is not ready to become a yoga teacher by the end of the course we reserve the right to postpone their graduation to a later date to allow time for an offer of appropriate support and extra teaching resources to help them meet the requirements to pass. If the student declines this offer of additional support we will not be able to accredit them.
Expectations regarding daily yoga practice of students:
Students are expected to establish their own personal yoga practice and try to practice several times a week.
Homework/Coursework Requirements:
There may be homework/assignments/coursework set after each Module. Students are expected to complete and hand these assignments in by the date specified - this is an essential requirement toward gaining the final teacher training qualification from Yoga Alliance Professionals. If students require help with any issue they have regarding the completion of work that has been set they are asked to contact the Course Teacher Training Director or the student's own Mentor as soon as possible so the appropriate support can be offered.
Class Attendance and Class Observation during the course:
Students are required to attend 50 hours of yoga classes - in person or online - confirmation of attendance will need to be signed for by the teacher. Students are required to attend 20 hours of yoga class observation - in person or online - confirmation of attendance will need to be signed for by the teacher
Cancellation of Course:
We will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible if the course needs to be canceled and up to the minimum of ONE week's notice. There may be cancellation due to unforeseen situations i.e. COVID-19 - where possible we will try to bring these sessions to you online however this may not always be feasible. The Yoga For Life Project has the right to cancel or rearrange training dates if a teacher falls ill and a suitable replacement cannot be found or if the training venue booked is unable to accommodate the course as agreed.
Complaints Procedure:
If you would like to make a complaint about the Course, Teaching Faculty, Mentors or other Students there is a 3 stage complaints procedure detailed below:
Stage One - An informal chat on the day to see if the issue can be resolved. If unresolved see Stage Two.
Stage Two - A formal written complaint addressed to the Teacher Training Director of the course. An acknowledgement of this communication will be sent within 2 working days confirming the receipt of the complaint and a guarantee that the complaint will remain anonymous if so requested. Outlined within will be a proposed timescale of when The Yoga For Life Project will be able to respond to the complaint and this will need to include an allowance for further investigation into the matter.
Stage Three - If it is not possible to respond within the stated time The Yoga For Life Project will provide a letter outlining the reasons why and give a date by which a full answer can be expected.
The complainant has the option to involve an advocate, friend or someone else to support them during ANY stage of the complaints procedure.
GDPR Policy
All accepted students will be offered consent forms asking if they agree to allow any photos or videos taken during the course to be used by The Yoga For Life Project online, across all their social media platforms and also by The Yoga For Life Project approved partners. Students will be asked if they agree to their Mentors and Key Teachers having access to the information they provided on their application forms. Students will be asked if they consent to their email and phone number to be shared with other students on the course for the purpose of the Karma Yoga system which asks 2 students per training weekend to be rota-ed to set up and prepare training venue.
Students absolutely have the option of opting out of all of the above. Any non-consent received from a student will be respected and strictly adhered to.
Students will also be informed that as a student of the Revival Teacher Training Course they give consent to their details (name, email and phone number) being passed to the course accrediting body Yoga Alliance Professionals who awards the final teaching certification. Yoga Alliance Professionals will contact them directly to invite them to register as a Trainee and Teacher and Graduate. Students absolutely have the option of opting out of this registration process. The Yoga For Life Project is satisfied that Yoga Alliance Professionals have the appropriate, adequate, technical and organisational measures to protect their data's security and will never share their data with anybody else.